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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Things I Learnt during CHEMISTRY!
1. I learnt the different methods of separating liquids, solids and gas. Such as simple distillation, fractional distillation, filtration, crystallisation, chromatography and many more. I also learnt how these separation methods would aid in our daily lives and the steps to carry out each method. I learnt about the different apparatus and what apparatus is needed for each method.

2. I learnt how to use which instrument to measure an item. I also learnt the accuracy of each instrument and what instrument is most suitable to measure a certain item. In this topic, i also learnt the SI untils of physical quantities and their abbreviations.

3. I learnt that how to write an Ionic equation and we need to write down the state symbols for each equation. I also learnt that there is a table of solubility of salt that are soluble and insoluble in water. I discovered that when it is an Acid + Carbonate reaction, the ionic equation would always be CO3 2- (aq) + 2H+ (aq) ----> H20(l) + C02(g). And for Acid + Alkaline reactions, also called neutralisation, the ionic equation for any reaction will be OH-(aq) + H+ (aq) ------> H20(l)

Feelings During Chemistry lessons!
1. I enjoy doing the M&M practical as it encourages us to think and have a feel of how SPA is like. The M&M practical also allowed me to have an experience of doing chromatography.

2. After chemistry lessons, i understand how important chemistry is to our daily lives and how useful it will be to us in the future when we are looking for jobs and to think about our future career.

Interesting Facts!
1. Alginic(al-jin-ick) acid that is found in seaweed is useful for keeping cake moist and when added to bandages, it helps to stop bleeding. In recent years, sodium alginate has been used in molecular gastronomy at some of the best restaurants in the world. Ferran Adria pioneered the technique, and it has since been used by chefs such as Grant Achatz and Heston Blumenthal. Sodium alginate is combined with calcium lactate or similar compound to create spheres of liquid surrounded by a thin jelly membrane. It is also used in ice-cream to stop the different ingredients separating. So, the ice creams that we eat know started off as SEAWEED!

Giantkelp2 300.jpg

Adapted from: Chemical Chaos-Nick Arnold

5:38 PM

As the years go by, more and more people are getting obese. In the bar graph above, it shows that each year there is an increasing number of children becoming obese starting from the age of 2.

Factors affecting trend
1. Inactive Lifestyle
Due to the advancement in technology, more and more kids are hooked onto the computer. Hence, they do not get up and exercise or move about as frequently as before. Many of them also watch television programmes for hours and do not get up to walk about or exercise. Another reason is that many start relying on cars instead of walking, fewer physical demands at work or at home because of modern technology and conveniences, and lack of physical education classes in schools for children.


  • Lack of neighborhood sidewalks and safe places for recreation. Not having parks, trails, sidewalks, and affordable gyms makes it hard for people to be physically active.
  • Work schedules. People often say that they don't have time to be physically active because of long work hours and time spent commuting.
  • Lack of access to healthy foods. Some people don't live in neighborhoods that have supermarkets that sell healthy foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. For others, healthy food may be too expensive for them
  • Food advertising. Often children are the targets of advertising for high-calorie, high-fat snacks and sugary drinks. The goal of these ads is to sway people to buy these high-calorie foods, and often they do.

Identifying Low in fat foods
By looking at the ingredients found in each food package, one can find out if the food product is low in fat. Also, but looking out for the healthier choice labels would also aid in identifying food products that are low in fat.

taken from:

11:28 AM

Components of Slimming Product:
1.Cocaine - optimizes energy, promotes thermogenesis and increases focus.
2.Vitamins B6 & B12 - promotes metabolic functions while providing serious energy and vitality.
3.Phenylethylamine - one of the chemicals in the brain that promotes pleasure and euphoria.
4.Evodiamine - reduces both fat uptake and burns the fat inside the body.
5.Sclareolide - used to aid in weight loss.
6.Razberri-K - help to gain less body fat.
7.Yohimbine - make one feel better as they lose weight.
8.Ginger - decrease joint pain from arthritis and may have blood thinning and cholesterol lowering properties that may make it useful for treating heart disease.
9.Dimethylamylamine - chemical messenger that triggers fat release.

Slimming down naturally
A proper diet can help a person slim down naturally as when one eat the same foods they usually do, with a balanced amount, with some slight modifications. Fad diets fail because they don't work with one's natural lifestyle.

Slimming Products Entirely BAD?
Slimming Products are bad to a certain extend. Although taking slimming pills and going for slimming sessions would be more efficient to help loose weight, but it would definitely be healthier if one chooses the natural way of slimming down. By eating healthy and going for regular exercises, it would help loose weight too. One can choose not to spend large amount of money to slim down but doing the naturally way instead of paying huge amounts of money on slimming products that may cause harm to your body. When you eat healthily and exercise regularly, not only will you loose weight but you will also be able to stay healthy whereas, when one takes slimming pills or going for slimming sessions, it may cause great harm to your body and may even lead to death.

taken from:

10:56 AM

Monday, February 7, 2011

Common Components found in Isotonic Drinks are:
1. Sodium
2. Potassium
3. Calcium
4. Magnesium
5. Chloride
6. Bicarbonate
7. Phosphate
8. Sulphate

What Isotonic Drinks does.
Isotonic drinks are mainly made up of water and glucose with some vitamins and minerals. When we exercise, many minerals in our body are either burned up or is released out of the body through sweat. Hence, when we drink isotonic drinks, it helps to replenish our lost minerals and helps boost our energy level. Therefore it also replenishes the water we loss through sweat, rehydrating a person.

Selection of isotonic drink after vigorous activities.
Isotonic - quickly replenishes fluids lost by sweating and supplies a boost of carbohydrate. This drink is the choice for most athletes, middle and long distance runners. Glucose is the body's preferred source of energy therefore it may be appropriate to consume Isotonic drinks where the carbohydrate source is glucose in a concentration of 6% to 8%.

Hypotonic - quickly replenishes fluids lost by sweating. Suitable for athletes who need fluid without the boost of carbohydrate This drink is a choice for gymnasts, jockeys etc.

Hypertonic - used to supply daily carbohydrate intake. Normally after exercise to top up glycogen stored in the muscles. In long distance events, high levels of energy are required and Hypertonic drinks can be taken during these exercises to meet the high energy demands. If used during exercise Hypertonic drinks need to be used in conjunction with Isotonic drinks to replace fluids.

taken from: http://www.brianmac.co.uk/drinks.htm

11:39 PM

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Here's the Dove Commercial Ms liang asked us to find.

5:15 PM

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hydrogen Bomb! - KABOOOM!!

-Also known as thermonuclear bomb

-Hydrogen bomb or H-bomb is a weapon deriving a large portion of its energy from the nuclear fusion of hydrogen isotopes. In an atomic bomb, uranium or plutonium is split into lighter elements that together weigh less than the original atoms , the remainder of the mass appearing as energy. Unlike this fission bomb, the hydrogen bomb functions by the fusion, or joining together, of lighter elements into heavier elements. The end product again weighs less than its components, the difference once more appearing as energy. Because extremely high temperatures are required in order to initiate fusion reactions.

10:23 PM

Orbital Theories

-Molecular orbital theory is a method for determining molecular structure in which electrons are not assigned to individual bonds between atoms, but treated as moving under the influence of the nuclei in the whole molecule.

-In this theory, each molecule has a set of molecular orbitals, in which it is assumed that the molecular orbital wave function ψf may be written as a simple weighted sum of the n constituent atomic orbitals χi , according to the following equation:  \psi_j = \sum_{i=1}^{n} c_{ij} \chi_i

-The cij coefficients may be determined numerically by substitution of this equation into the Schrödinger equation and application of the variational principle. This method is called the linear combination of atomic orbitals approximation and is used in computational chemistry. An additional unitary transformation can be applied on the system to accelerate the convergence in some computational schemes.

9:23 PM

Friday, July 9, 2010


What are isotopes?
Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different number of neutrons.

Examples of Isotopes:
Hydrogen has no neutrons at all but there is also a hydrogen isotope called deuterium with one neutron and tritium with two neutrons.

Radioactive Isotopes
-Also known as radioisotopes
-Are atoms with a different number of neutrons than a usual atom with an unstable nucleus that decays, emitting alpha, beta and gamma rays until the isotope reaches stability. Once it is stable, the isotope becomes another element entirely. Radioactive decay is spontaneous so it is often hard to know when it will take place or what sort of rays it will emit during decay.
-There are around 3800 radioactive isotopes. 200 radioactive isotopes used on a regular basis. While some are found in nature, most others have to be manufactured to suit specific needs, such as for hospitals , research labs and manufacturers.
-Radioactive isotopes can be manufactured in several ways, the most common by neutron activation in a nuclear reactor which involves capturing a neutron by the nucleus of an atom which results in an excess of neutrons. Some radioactive isotopes are produced in a cyclotron in which protons are introduced to a nucleus resulting in a deficiency of neutrons.
-Radioactive isotopes have very useful properties. Alpha, beta and gamma radiation can permeate solid objects like an x-ray, but are progressively absorbed by them. The amount of penetration depends on a several factors including the energy of the radiation, mass of particle, and density of the solid. These properties can lead to many uses for radioisotopes in the scientific, medical, archaeological and industrial fields. The uses of radioactive isotopes in these fields depend on what element they become after they reach stability.

11:00 PM

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

-Are made up of neutrons, protons and electrons.
-The central nucleus is surrounded by negatively charged electrons.
-The atomic nucleus contains positively charged protons and neutral neutrons.

3:18 PM

Monday, April 5, 2010

How are large molecules changed into smaller molecules?

Our body produces digestive enzymes to digest food. These enzymes cut up the large molecules into smaller molecules and speeds up the process of digestion without being used up. Each enzyme digest one type of food only.


- Two actions take place - physical & chemical

Physical Action
1. Teeth grind the food into smaller pieces.
2. Tongue roll food into bolus.

Chemical Action
1. Starch is broken down by enzyme salivart amylase by maltose.

Chemical equation for above action:
Starch -------------------> maltose
(salivary amylase)
- Elastic, muscular bag with thick and well developed stomach wall.
- Churns food into liquid chyle
- Stomach wall produces enzyme pepsin as well as hydrochloric acid.
- Pepsin will break down protein into amino acids
- Hydrochloric acid has two functions:
1. Provide a suitable medium (pH.2) for pepsin to work well.
2. Kill foreign particles.

Duodenum (small intestine):
-After food have been partially digested in the stomach, it will move on to the duodenum.
-All classes of food will be digested.
- Enzmes present are produced from the pancreas and send to the small intestine via the pancreatic duct.
-Enzymes present are:
1. Pancreatic amylase
2. Maltase
3. Lipase
4. Trypsin

6:54 PM

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Carbohydrates provide body cells with the energy they need.
Carbohydrates are:
Polysaccharide- Starch, Cellulose, glycogen
Disaccharides- Maltose, sucrose, lactose
Monosaccharide- Galactose, fructose and glucose
Fun facts!
Excess carbohydrates in our body are turned into fats and glycogen. Glycogen is stored in the liver and the muscles. The fats are stored in the adipose cells underneth the skin. Fats are used for providing energy only if carbohydrate intake is low.
Starch ----------------------> Maltose ------------>Glucose
(salivary amylase) (Maltase)
Made up of....
Proteins are the main substances used for the growth for new cells and the repair of damaged tissues. They provide energy when the body lacks carbohydrates and fats. Excess protein cannot be stored. It is toxic. It is removed mainly as urea in urine and in faeces.
Made up of...
- Carbon
- Hydrogen
- Oxygen
- Nitrogen
Protein ------------> Amino acids
Fats are important sources and storage of energy that can provide twice as much energy as carbohydrates.
Made up of....
Fats ---------> fatty droplets ------------> 3 fatty acids + 1 glycerol
(bile) (lipase)

8:16 PM

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Digestion In Animals
Does Animals store starch? What Happens when starch is digested?
Although we eat starch, we do not store it. Starch will be digested into glucose. After digestion, excess glucose will be converted into glycogen and will be stored in the liver and muscles.
Reasons for eating:
-grow new cells and tissues
-repair damaged tissues
-provide energy for work, movement and to maintain body temperature
-Maintain body functions such as breathing and keeping the heart beating.

5:15 PM

Friday, March 26, 2010

Is it healthier to eat raw food or cooked food?

It is believed that raw food is healthier for the body than cooked or processed food. People who eat raw food wholly or largely claimed that eating raw food has numerous health benefits, including increased energy levels, clearer skin, better digestion, weight loss and reduced risk of heart attack. According to the Living and Raw Foods website, raw, uncooked foods are believed to contain essential food enzymes which help the digestion process without relying on the body to produce the enzymes that are lost through cooking. It is also thought that cooking (heating food above 46 degrees) destroys vitamins and minerals and that cooked foods take longer to digest and tend to allow partially digested fats, proteins and carbohydrates to clog up our digestive system and arteries.

taken from: http://www.foodreference.com/html/a-raw-food-815.html

6:39 PM

Friday, February 19, 2010

Effects Of An Electric Current
-Electrical energy can be transformed into other forms of energy to produce many effects.
Heating Effect Of A Current
-When a current passes through a wire, the wire heats up. This is caused by the conversion of electrical energy into heat energy. The heat produced depends on the resistance of the wire.
Heating appliances usually have coils of wires or heating elements inside.
These heating elements are made of high resistance materials such as nichrome.
The heating elements heat up when current is passed through them.

Magnectic effect of a current
If an iron rod is placed inside the coil of wire, it makes the magnetic field a few hundred times stronger. When the current is switched off, the iron loses its magnetism. This set-up is known as electromagnet, and it is used in many applications. It gives a magnetic field that can be switched on and off when desired.

Applications of the magnetic effect of current
-A giant elecromagnet can be used to separate iron from non-iron scrap, to be recycled. The electromagnet can also be used to lift heavy iron and steel objects.
-A telephone makes use of a small electromagnet in the speakers and microphones.
-Electric motors, run by electromagnets, are used in many household appliances such as fans, and to run electric trains. A coil of wire wound a round a soft iron core is placed in between the poles of a permanent magnet. When a current passes through the coil, it becomes an electromagnet. It then spins under the influence of the magnetic field of the permant magnet. This set-up is called motor.

Chemical Effect of a current
-Liquids that allows electricity to pass through them are called electrolytes.
-The chemical decomopsition of an electrolyte by an electric current is called electrolysis.
-The two wires or plates through which current enters and leaves the electrolyte are called electrodes.

Application of the chemical effect of current
-Electrolysis is used in a process called electroplating. In this process, the flow of current causes a thin layer of metal to be deposited on the object to be electroplated.
-Electrolysis is also used in industries to extract metals such as aluminium from their compouds. To extract a metal, a solid compound of the metal is heated until it melts. An electric current is then passed through this molten compound. For example, aluminium is obtained from molten aluminium oxide.

9:55 PM

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

-The components in a circuit resists the flow of electrons thus, the current does not flow easily in a circuit.
-The resistive force is called the resistance (R) of an object.
-The resistance of a component is the ration of the potential difference across it to the current flowing through it.
-S.I unit for resistance is ohm (Ω)Varying Resistance in an electric circuit
Fixed Resistors
-Specially made resistors of a specific value.
Variable resistor (Rheostats)
-Used to vary the current flowing in a circuit, by the varying resistance.

4:35 PM

Saturday, February 13, 2010

-Electric current can only flow when there is a potential difference (V) or (p.d.) to push the charges around a circuit.
-Charges will always flow from higher to lower potential.
-The potential difference across any two points is the amount of energy needed to move one unit charge of electricity from one point to another.
-S.I. unit is Volt (V)
Measuring potential difference
-Voltmeter is used to measure potential difference.
-Voltmeter must be connected parallel to the component.

11:00 AM

Saturday, February 6, 2010

- A form of energy.
Electric Current
-Flow of electricity is due to the movements of electric charges.
-Two types of charges: Positive (+) and Negative (-)
-When electric charges move, an electric current is formed (I).
-Is the rate of flow of electrical charges.
-The path that current flows is known as a circuit.
-Measured by the amount of charges moving past any point in the circuit per second.
-S.I unit is amphere (A)
Electric Circuits
Circuit symbols:
Series and Parallel circuits
-Two main types of circuits: Series and Parallel.
Measuring Current
-Ammeter is used to measure current.
-Ammeter must be connected in series with the circuit.

4:39 PM

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Primary colours are basic colours that cannot be obtained by mixing other colours of light.
Primary Colours of light are: Red, Blue and Green.
Secondary colours are formed by mixing primary colours.
Secondary colours are: Cyan, Yellow and Magenta.
We are able to see the colour of an object as it reflects that colour into our eyes.

For example when white light falls on a green object, the object absorbs all the other colours and reflects only green light.
When we shine red light on a green object, the object will appear black as the green object can only reflect green light therefore, when red light is shone onto a green object, it is not refected and so the object would appear black.
This tells us that in order to see the colour of the object, the light shone must have the same colour as the object, the colour is then reflected and seen by our eyes.

8:15 PM

Monday, February 1, 2010

Dispersion Of White Light
-Sunlight appears to be white but it is actually composed of different colours.
1. When a beam of white light passes through a prism, it is split into different colours.
2. This is because the different colour of white light bend towards the normal through different angles when entering the prism and when leaving the prism too.
3. A spectrum of colours is produced, which is made up of seven colours: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. This splitting of white light is called dispersion.

5:30 PM

Sunday, January 31, 2010

-When light rays travels from one medium to another medium of different density. The light ray changes it direction and bends. The bending of light is called refraction.

5:30 PM

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tracing reflected light rays:-The perpendicular line to the surface NO is the normal
-A ray of light AO strikes the mirror at point O, creating an angle i with the normal. AO is called the incident ray, and angle i is called angle of incidence.
-The light ray that bounces off the mirror and leaves along the path OB. OB is called the reflected ray. This ray makes an angle r with the normal. This angle is called the angle of reflection.
Types Of Mirror:
-Plane Mirrors
-Concave Mirrors
-Convex Mirrors
Plane Mirrors:
-Commonly used to check one's appearance
-Used as a form of decoration to make a room more spacious
-Used in cars as rear-view or side-view mirrors.
Concave Mirrors:
-Mirrors with curved surfaces that bend inwards.
-When object is nearer to mirror, image formed are virtual and bigger.

Convex Mirrors:
-Mirrors that bend outwards
-Covers a wider field of vision, and the images formed are distorted and smaller.

3:25 AM

Reflection in Mirror:
Plane Mirrors
-Flat mirror that is usually found at home.
-Good Reflector Of light

Characteristics if Plane Mirror images:
-Distance of the image from the mirror is equal to the distance of the object from the mirrior.
-Image and object are of the same size.
-Image is upright.
-Image is laterally inverted.
Image is virtual.

3:08 AM

Friday, January 8, 2010

Here are 2 questions asked during physics lesson today:
Question one:
Why does the test tube disappear in the boiling tube when glycerin is poured in?

This is because glycerin has the same refractive index as glass, so any light that passess through is bent equally. Since both glycerin and glass is transparent, its impossible for the eye to differciate the boundary by a change in the angle of refraction, therefore, the glass seems to disappear.

Question Two:
Are sport drinks like 100 plus, gatorade, powerade acidic ?
I searched the internet and couldn't find a direct answer to this question. If you do look at the ingriedients on the label, many sport drinks such as 100 plus, gatorade and other sport drinks, they contain citric acid and salts which are combinations of electrolytes such as sodium, potassium and chloride. An electrolyte is a substance which dissociates free ions when dissolved, to produce an electrically conductive medium. Because they generally consist of ions in solution, electrolytes are also known as ionic solutes. Electrolytes generally exist as acids, bases or salts. Therefore, sport drinks can be acidic.

6:40 PM

Chapter 17 - Light
Light is a form of energy. Light travels in straight lines. Light in a vacuum travels 300,000,000 m/s.
Rays and Beams
Light rays is the path of light from a source. A bundle of light rays is known as a beam of light. Beams of light can be parallel, divergent or convergent.
Regular Reflection
- when light rays hit smooth surface
- clear and undistorted image can be seen
- parallel beam of light remains parallel after regular reflection.
Irregular/Diffuse Reflection
- when light rays hit rough surface
-no reflected image seen
- parallel beam of light hits rough surface, gets scattered or reflected in an irregular manner.


- made of two plane mirrors to see over obstacles

3:45 AM

♥ theGrumpyToast ;

      theGrumpyToast is very grumpy. Beware, this toast bites.

      Name: Abigail (:
      School: PLMGSS
      Class: 1-2b '09 , 2-2 '10

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    The toast said TAG. NOT spam.

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